You've created an awesome Survey visualization, but when you embed it, it always displays the same default view of "All"? That's annoying! Here's how you can fix that.
This tutorial focuses on the Survey template, but you can also use this technique to create single-slided stories with different kinds of templates. Head over to the more general help doc on creating single-slided stories here.
- 1
Once you're finished creating your Survey visualization, click on the "Create story" button in the top right corner. This will take you through to a new Flourish story with your Survey visualization as the first slide. It will appear with a default view of "All" here again, too, but we're going to fix that in just a moment!
- 2
Use the panel in the bottom right corner to set up your default view (This is the last time you'll have to do this, don't worry!)
- 3
Once you've gotten your Survey to display in the default view that you'd like, close the settings panel. You can also turn off the ability to interact with the settings altogether in the Survey settings. (To do this, click through to the underlying Survey visualization by clicking on its name in the top right corner. In the Survey settings, go to Controls > "Disable controls toggle")
- 4
As a last step, it's time to hide the navigation of your story. This will make it look like a single visualization. To do this, go to the "Navigation style" dropdown and select "None".
- 5
That's it! You now have a single-slided Flourish story containing your survey visualization with exactly the default settings you would like. You can go ahead and publish this just as you would publish a normal visualization, and embed it on your website using the embed code you receive upon publishing.
- 6
- Still confused? Here's a video that might help you understand!