To create an animated Scatter plot as popularised by Hans Rosling’s famous TED talks, all you need is an extra column with column with years or dates.
Country | Region | Year | GDP | Life expectancy | Population |
Lao PDR | East Asia & Pacific | 1960 | 43.2044634146342 | 2120896 | |
Korea, Rep. | East Asia & Pacific | 1960 | 158.236636232018 | 53.0018048780488 | 25012374 |
Kiribati | East Asia & Pacific | 1960 | 49.2159756097561 | 41233 | |
Cambodia | East Asia & Pacific | 1960 | 111.342479726807 | 41.2320243902439 | 5722370 |
Macao SAR, China | East Asia & Pacific | 1960 | 64.6589268292683 | 167796 |
To get started,
- 1
Select a “Time” column to create a slider and choose one or more “Name” columns so the template knows which rows represent the same thing.
- 2
Rows with the same name will be animated through time and also joined together with lines.
- 3
To turn off the lines, untick "Shows lines" in the "Lines & arrows" settings.